Petition of the Cuban Constitutionalists to the Freemen of the World and their Governments



Given the abandonment, disinterest, or ignorance of the governments of the free countries of the world about the nature of the Cuban case, we; The Cuban Constitutionalists who advocate for the Restitution of the 1940 Constitution (known by its acronym on the internet #C40), we want to submit to the Forum the following:

The sovereign Constitution of Cuba was promulgated in 1940. Similar to your Constitution, #C40 is the singular and legitimate Magna Carta of the nation. Drafted without interference from foreign powers and still in force de jure today as it has never been abrogated by the sovereign people of Cuba. Since March 10, 1952, for almost 71 years ago, that Constitution has been violated by the dictator.

That is the complete opposite of what has been formally said or argued with grandiose acts in all the World Political Forums; from Havana, Miami, Washington, Madrid, the UN, the OAS, the European Parliament, Toronto, Moscow, Beijing, and other internal conversations between free governments and international institutions.

In other words:

  • The problem in Cuba is not of an economic, social, cultural, artistic, military, ethnic, or religious nature.
  • Cuba does not have a problem with scarcity of natural resources, our soils are fertile. We are not a small country. Looking at the surface we are country 106 out of 204.
  • As long as there is no rule of law on the island, the lack of protection and respect for civil rights will not be resolved by simply denouncing and exposing the abuses and violation.
  • In Cuba, the problem is not that human rights are being violated. While that is happening, these violations stem from the total lack of respect for Human Rights, all of which are enumerated and protected in #C40.

Absolutely everything that I have told you constitutes CONSEQUENCES or SIDE EFFECTS resulting from the permanent violation of our Constitution.

Add to the above the fact that just 17 days after the military coup, the US Department of State recognized the coup general as the legitimate President of the nation. This undoubtedly influenced the international community in favor of such a crime and contributed to a certain degree of conformity from some political groups on the island.

As if that were not enough, following Batista’s flight in December 1958 and Fidel Castro’s rise to power, the provisional government formed by his regime was recognized on January 6, 1959, without even having settled in the country’s capital. Barely a month later the Constitution was replaced by a Fundamental Law; which was in use until 1976.

Just like that, the Constitution of 1940 was suspended. Which was the complete opposite of the promises to restore it that Castro made in Historia me Adsorberá; and that other political leaders also promised.

That is to say: “Castro’s revolution died on January 1, 1959; since the source of the law of said revolution was the RESTITUTION of the CONSTITUTION of 1940.”

The frustration and hopelessness of the Cuban people seem to have no end. During the last 71 years of intense political and ideological battles in the international arena; many governments have forgotten the origins or do not understand the Cuban Case.

The so‐called Cuban opposition groups, both inside and outside of Cuba, have yet to propose a viable path that the Cuban people are capable of embracing in order to recover their lost Rule of Law.

Even so, governments from around the world support these opposition groups politically and materially. However, the stands, conferences, forums, complaints, trips, grants, and prizes have all failed to yield any concrete results in 71 years. This is because they do not have a legal program like the

1940 Constitution to guide them, and so the difficult and complicated transition from Socialism to Capitalism cannot be accomplished, as was done in the most successful transitions of ex‐Socialist Europe.

The Cuban people, held hostage, and victim to all of these ideological violations, mired in that almost complicit silence of practically all interests; have been resigned to OBSERVING the Hell that he has had to live. Away from #C40; for not understanding what happened to us, what happens to us, and without being able to recognize within so much misery, misinformation, and indoctrination; What different course to Exile to take?

Just 4 years ago the Cause of Restitution of the Constitution of 1940 was resumed, and it was already the only political project present in the streets of Cuba in the spontaneous demonstrations of 11J.

In summary:

“In Cuba, there is only one political problem, which is resolved by RESTORING THE 1940 CONSTITUTION.”

In short… for many reasons that are not similar to those of any other country, our cause needs the solidarity of all free men and their governments; to once and for all return their CONSTITUTION to the Cubans.

Being Cuba since 1952, the first Laboratory of neo‐Liberal Globalist ideas, with the Restitution of the

Constitution of 1940; this time we are also risking the freedom or slavery of millions of people. In everything we read, we can see:

That much less effort and resources are needed than those used throughout 71 years, to achieve the unity of Cubans around the PROJECT of the country that we gave ourselves sovereignly in 1940.

RESTORE the Constitution of 1940 and the SIDE EFFECTS that they talk about so much, that they denounce so much and that worry them so much will gradually disappear.

Free men; please help us to end the confusion between CAUSE and EFFECTS.

Let us cease introducing hundreds of superfluous issues to the solution of the Cuban Case.

Let’s not allow ourselves to keep talking about the SIDE EFFECTS and let’s go straight to the solution, which can be summed up in a single sentence:


That is all we ask of the freemen of the world and their governments.