A continuación una colección de documentos y libros provenientes de los archivos de “Latin American Studies”. Todos los documentos, libros e imágenes provienen directamente de los archivos de la citada institución, y han sido incluidos en nuestro sitio para el uso y beneficio de todos los interesados en donocer los inicios de lo que posteriormente sería nuestra guerra de independencia.

Narciso López – Proclamación de 1850

Narciso López y filibusteros cubanos
– Database of Filibuster Activists and Supporters
– Cuban Filibusters in Nicaragua
– Allen, John «Jack»
– Angulo Guridi, Alejandro
– Armenteros Muñoz, Isidoro de
– Breckenridge, Newton Colbert
– Kentucky Filibuster supporters
– A Flibustiero. Life of General Lopez, and History of the Late Attempted Revolution in Cuba. (1851)
– Acuña Ortega, Victor Hugo, ed., Filibusterismo y Destino Manifiesto en las Américas (2010)
Alvarez Pedroso, Antonio. Miguel de Aldama (1948)
– Apuntes históricos sobre la espedición pirática que invadió la isla de Cuba en mayo de 1850 (1850)
– Argilagos, Francisco R. Proceres de la Independencia de Cuba (1916)
– Battles of Cuba! (1852)
– Bellido de Luna, Juan. La Anexion de Cuba a los Estados Unidos (1888)
– Bernal, Emilia. Francisco Aguero y Estrada: El Solitario (1935)
– Betancourt, Gaspar and J. S. Thrasher. Addresses Delivered at the Celebration of the Third Anniversary in Honor of the Martyrs for Cuban Freedom (1854)
– Bland, William. The Awful Doom of the Traitor; or the Terrible Fate of the Deluded and Guilty(1852)
– Boggess, F. C. M. A Veteran of Four Wars (1900)
– Boyd, Jesse W. Lopez’s Expeditions to Cuba
– Brownson, Orestes Augustus. Opiniones de un anglo-americano acerca de la espedicion cubana y los anexionistas(1850)
– Caldwell, Robert Granville. Lopez Expeditions to Cuba 1848-51 (1918)
– Castellanos G., Gerardo. Panorama Historico: Ensayo de cronologia cubana desde 1492 hasta 1933 (1934)
– Castro de Morales, Lilia. Impresos relativos a Cuba editados en los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica (1956)
– Coleccion de los partes y otros documentos publicados en la Gaceta Oficial de La Habana referentes a la invasion de la gavilla de piratas capitaneada por el traidor Narciso Lopez (1851)
Comunicaciones reservadas al Gobierno Supremo (Feb. 1850-Marzo 1851) Boletin del Archivo Nacional, Julio-Agosto 1918.
– Delaplain, Sophia. A Thrilling and Exciting Account of the Sufferings and Horrible Tortures Inflicted on Mortimer Bowers and Miss Sophia Delaplain, by the Spanish Authorities, for a Supposed Participation with Gen. Lopez in the Invasion of Cuba (1851)
– Fernandez de Castro, Jose Antonio. Medio siglo de historia colonial de Cuba: Cartas a Jose Antonio Saco ordenadas y comentadas (1823 a 1879) (1923)
– Fernandez Fernandez, Justo. Don Narciso Lopez y Uriola, el Centauro del Rey: Sus años de actividad en Cuba (1823-1826 / 1841-1851) Caracas, 1992.
– Garcia Valdes, Pedro. La idea de la anexion de Cuba a los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica fue una consecuencia circunstancial del momento (1947)
– Gonzales, Ambrosio Jose. Manifesto on Cuban Affairs Addressed to the People of the United States: Sept. 1, 1852 (1853)
– Gonzalez, Diego. Historia Documentada de los Movimientos Revolucionarios por la Independencia de Cuba de 1852 a 1867, Tomo I (1939)
– _____. Historia Documentada de los Movimientos Revolucionarios por la Independencia de Cuba de 1852 a 1867, Tomo II (1939)
– Hardy, Richardson. History and Adventures of the Cuban Expedition (1850)
– Jones, Alexander. Cuba in 1851 (1851)
Lansing, Marion F. Lopez and His Times. Liberators and Heroes of the West Indian Islands (1953)
– Llaverias, Joaquin. La Comision Militar Ejecutiva y Permanente de la Isla de Cuba (1929)
_____. «La Voz del Pueblo Cubano» Contribucion a la Historia de la Prensa Periodica (1959)
Madan, Cristobal. Contestacion a un folleto titulado: Ideas sobre la incorporacion de Cuba en los Estados Unidos, por Don Jose Antonio Saco (1849)
– Maicas y Dominguez, Antonio M. Homenaje al patriota Bernardino Hernandez (1951)
– Manifiesto de la Junta Cubana al Pueblo de Cuba (1855)
– May, Robert E. El Bajo Mundo Del Destino Manifiesto (2011)
– Morales y Morales, Vidal. Iniciadores y primeros martires de la revolucion cubana (1901)
_____. Iniciadores y primeros martires de la revolucion cubana, tomo 2 (1931)
_____. Iniciadores y primeros martires de la revolucion cubana, tomo 3 (1931)
– O.D.D.O. The History of the Late Expedition to Cuba (1850)
– Pickens, Lucy Holcomb (H. M. Hardimann). The Free Flag of Cuba; or the Martyrdom of Lopez (1854)
– Portell Vila, Herminio. Narciso Lopez y su epoca, tomo 1 (1930)
_____. Narciso Lopez y su epoca, tomo 2 (1952)
_____. Narciso Lopez y su epoca, tomo 3 (1958)
_____. Narciso Lopez, presursor de la independencia de Cuba. Vidas de la Unidad Americana. (1944)
– Quisenberry, Anderson C. Lopez’s Expeditions to Cuba 1850 and 1851 (1906)
– Ramirez Hoyos, Vicente. ¿Quien salvó a Cuba en 1851? (1870)
– Rodriguez, Jose Ignacio. Estudio historico sobre el origen, desenvolvimiento y manifestaciones practicas de la idea de la anexion de la isla de Cuba a los EE.UU. (1900)
– Roig de Leuchsenring, Emilio. Los primeros movimientos revolucionarios del general Narciso Lopez (1848-1849) (1950)
_____. Homenaje a los martires de 1851 (1951)
– Rosengarten, Jr., Frederick. Freebooters Must Die! (1976)
– Rovira, Carlos A. y Carlos Echevarne. El coronel Ordoñez y Cuba en 1851 (1867)
– Sanguily, Manuel. Propositos del General Narciso Lopez (1894)
– Torrente, Mariano. Bosquejo economico politico de la isla de Cuba (1852)
– Un cubano. La Anexion de Cuba y Los Peninsulares residentes en ella (1853)
– Una accion heroica (1865)
– Villaverde, Cirilo (a Flibustiero). Life of General Lopez, and History of the Late Attempted Revolution in Cuba
Works of Daniel Webster, Vol VI, (1890)
– Zaragoza, Justo. Las Insurrecciones en Cuba, Tomo I (1872)
– The Diplomatic Career of Pierre Soule (J. A. Reineke, Jr., 1914)
– Cuba in American Foreign Relations (1848-1861) as Shown in Messages of the Presidents and Debates in Congress (Robert W. Mosley, 1930)
– A Local Study in «Manifest Destiny»: New Orleans and the Cuban Question During the Lopez Expeditions of 1849-1851 (C. Stanley Urban, 1938)
– The Life of Appleton Oaksmith: Its Latin American Aspects (John Jay TePaske, 1953)
– The Public Career of George Washington Towns (G. Wilson Page, Jr., 1970)
– Empire for Slavery: Economic and Territorial Expansion in the American Gulf South, 1835-1860 (Kimberly Ann Lamp, 1991)
– 1848
– January-August 1849
September-December 1849
– August 16-September 14, 1851
– 1852
– 1854
– 1855
– The Attack on Cardenas: A Reliable andAuthentic Account by Officers Engaged in the Expedition Missouri Republican, June 23, 1850.
– Cuba The American Whig Review, July 1850, 107-108.
– The Threatened Cuba Invasion (N.Y. Weekly Herald, May 3, 1851)
– Correspondence of the Herald, Boston Herald, Aug. 11, 1851,2
– Monthly Record of Current Events, Harper’s Magazine. Oct. 1851, 692.
– «Important From Cuba,» Baltimore Sun, Aug. 23, 1852, 1
– The Trial and Conviction of the Publishers of the Voice of the People (N.Y. Herald, Sept. 21, 1852)
– «Cuban Anniversary,» Texas State Gazette (Austin), Sept. 16, 1854, p. 28
– Filibusterism in America, New York Herald, Feb. 10, 1858
– Cuba and the Ostend Manifesto, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, May 1870, 898-901.
– Interesting Incidents in the Career of a Veteran of Five Wars–Mexico, Cuba and Nicaragua, Times (Troy, NY), Dec. 13, 1888, 2
– The First of the Filibusters: Reminiscences of the Lopez Expedition of 1850The State (Columbia, S.C.), Jan. 20, 1897, 6
– Será colocado un obelisco en Islas Mujeres, Diario de la Marina, octubre 20, 1955, 3
– Anglo-American Filibusters and the Gadsden Treaty. J. Fred Rippy. The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 5, No. 2. (May, 1922), pp. 155-180.
– The Africanization of Cuba Scare, 1853-1855. C. Stanley Urban. The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 37, No. 1. (Feb., 1957), pp. 29-45.
– Cuba and the Tripartite Treaty. Edward B. Bryan. Southern Quarterly Review, Jan. 1854, 1-17
– Cuban Filibustering in Jacksonville in 1851 Antonio Rafael de la Cova. Northeast Florida History Journal, Vol. 3, 1996, pp. 17-34.
– Daniel Webster and the Politics of Foreign Policy: 1850-1852 Kenneth E. Shewmaker. The Journal of American History, Vol. 63, No. 2. (Sep., 1976), pp. 303-315.
– Documents: Bleeding Kansas and Spanish Cuba in 1857: A Postscript (Kansas History, Winter 1988-1989)
– The Domestic Consequences of American Imperialism: Filibustering and Howard Pyle’s Pirates. Robert E. May. American Studies, Summer 2005
– Epilogue to the Missouri Compromise: The South, the Balance of Power, and the Tropics in the 1850s. Robert E. May. Plantation Society, June 1979, 201-225.
– Expediciones Filibusteras Contra Cuba 1848-1860. Juan Pedro Yaniz Ruiz. Historia y Vida. Enero 1983.
– The Cuban Expedition. Brownson’s Quarterly Review, October 1850.
– The Ideology of Southern Imperialism: New Orleans and the Caribbean, 1845-1860. C. Stanley Urban. Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Jan. 1956, 48-73
– The Kentucky Regiment that Invaded Cuba in 1850 Antonio Rafael de la Cova. The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society. Autumn, 2007, pp. 571-615.
– The Knights of the Golden Circle: The Career of George Bickley. Ollinger Crenshaw. The American Historical Review, Vol. 47, No. 1. (Oct., 1941), pp. 23-50.
– The Late Cuba Expedition. De Bow’s Review, August 1850.
– Lobbyists for Commercial Empire: Jane Cazneau, William Cazneau, and U.S. Caribbean Policy, 1846-1878 Robert E. May. The Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 48, No. 3. (Aug., 1979), pp. 383-412.
– Lopez’s Expeditions to Cuba. The Gulf States Historical Magazine, March-May 1904.
– Mr. Everett and the Cuban Question. Southern Quarterly Review, April 1854, 429-470
– Narciso Lopez y el anexionismo en Cuba, en torno a la ideologia de los propietarios de esclavos. Candelaria Saiz Pastor. Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 1986.
– The Navy and Filibustering in the Fifties United States Naval Institute Proceedings, April, May, June, July, August, September 1918
– Reconsidering Antebellum U.S. Women’s History: Gender, Filibustering, and America’s Quest for Empire. Robert E. May. American Quarterly, Dec. 2005.
– Recortes de periodicos de Cuba sobre los sucesos de Cardenas.Boletin del Archivo Nacional, Julio-Dic. 1920.
– Reseña oficial de lo ocurrido en Cardenas cuando la invasion del General Narciso Lopez Boletin del Archivo Nacional, Enero-Dic. 1926.
– Southern Designs on Cuba, 1854-1857 and Some European Opinions. Gavin B. Henderson. The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 5, No. 3. (Aug., 1939), pp. 371-385.
– Southern Expansionism: Urban Interests in the Cuban Filibusters. Richard Tansey. Plantation Society, June 1979, 227-251.
– Sugar, Slaves, and the Politics of Annexationism: Cuba, 1840-1855. Anton L. Allahar. Colonial Latin American Historical Review, Summer 1994, 281-304.
– The Proposed Anglo-Franco-American Treaty of 1852 to Guarantee Cuba to SpainTransactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4th Ser., Vol. 13. (1930), pp. 149-185.
– The Taylor Administration Versus Mississippi Sovereignty: The Round Island Expedition of 1849. Antonio Rafael de la Cova. The Journal of Mississippi History. Winter 2000, pp. 1-33.
– Review of Tom Chaffin’s Fatal Glory: Narciso Lopez and the First Clandestine U.S. War Against Cuba (Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1996), The Florida Historical Quarterly, Summer 1997, pp. 88-90.
– Young American Males and Filibustering in the Age of Manifest Destiny: The United States Army as a Cultural Mirror Robert E. May. The Journal of American History, Vol. 78, No. 3. (Dec., 1991), pp. 857-886.
– Young America. M. E. Curti. The American Historical Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, (Oct. 1926), 34-55.
– 1848
– 1849
– 1850
– 1851
– 1852
– 1854
– Cuba, Sept. 1849.
– General Lopez, the Cuban Patriot, Feb. 1850, 97-112.
– The Late Cuba State Trials, April 1852, 307-319.
– The Neutrality Law: What Does it Mean, What Prohibit and What Permits, June 1852.
– The Spaniards at Havana and the Whigs at Washington, Oct. 1852, 326-336
– Personal Narrative of Louis Schlesinger, of Adventures in Cuba and Ceuta (I), Sept. 1852, 210-224
– Personal Narrative of Louis Schlesinger, of Adventures in Cuba and Ceuta (II), Oct. 1852, 352-368
– Personal Narrative of Louis Schlesinger, of Adventures in Cuba and Ceuta (III), Nov.-Dec. 1852, 553-592
– The Cuban Debate, Nov. and Dec. 1852.
The Cuban Debate–Postscript, Nov. and Dec. 1852.
– The Order of the Lone Star, Jan. 1853, 80-85.
Cuba: Philosophy of the Ostende Correspondence, June 1855.
– Three Weeks in Cuba, by an Artist (January 18953)
– Confessor of four Puerto Principe insurgents
– U.S. Embassy Havana, Despatch 677, March 24, 1950 (Cuban Invitation for Representatives of the United States Armed Forces to Participate in the Celebration of the First Centennial of the Cuban Flag)
– The Great Naval Blockade of Round Island (Library of Congress)
– The American Rover-General Wot Tried to Steal a Cuba (Puck)
– La Hazañas del pirata López (Havana)
– Gen. Lopez the Cuban Patriot Getting His Cash
– Cat Island newspaper articles 1871
– Cat Island (Ray M. Thompson)
– The Unparalleled Past of Cat Island (James J. Stettler)
– With Casinos Calling, Island Won’t Cash In
– Thomas M. Rodney Letter Book, 1849-1853
– Correspondence on the Lopez Expedition to Cuba 1849-51
– Miscellaneous Letters July-Oct 1849
– Miscellaneous Letters March-May 1850
– Miscellaneous Letters June 1850
– Miscellaneous Letters July 1850
– Miscellaneous Letters Aug-Sept 1850
– Miscellaneous Letters Oct-Dec 1850
– Miscellaneous Letters Jan-Feb 1851
– Miscellaneous Letters March-May 1851
– Miscellaneous Letters June-Aug 1851
– Miscellaneous Letters September 1851
– Miscellaneous Letters October 1851
– Miscellaneous Letters Nov-Dec 1851
– Bauer, K. Jack, ed. Naval Affairs, Vol.2, North America Antifilibustering Activities 1849-1855
Round Island Expedition: Defence of the Navy (1849)
– Miscellaneous Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy (August-November 1849)
– Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy from Commanders (August-November 1849)
– Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy from Commanders (April-August 1851)
– Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy from Commanding Officers of Squadrons (June 1849-November 1850)
– Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy from Commanding Officers of Squadrons (March 1851-April 1852)

La Bandera de Narciso López
– Santovenia, Emeterio. La bandera de Narciso Lopez en el senado de Cuba (1945)
– Tolon, Edwin T. La Bandera Cubana: La Historia de su Creacion, Prensa (San Antonio, Texas). May 22, 1949, 31
– The Cuban Flag, Springfield Daily Illinois State Register, Aug. 1, 1898, 4
– Sanguily y Arizti, Manuel. La Bandera de Narciso Lopez (1950)
– Llaverias, Joaquin. La bandera cubana en un proceso por conspiracion. Boletin del Archivo Nacional, enero-diciembre 1950.
– Quintana, Jorge. 12 Banderas Cubanas Historicas.
– Smith, David. Bandera cubana ondeo en Nueva Orleans por primera vez en 1850. El Miami Herald, mayo 20, 1977, 8
– Museo Historico Cultural Juan Santamaria, Alajuela, Costa Rica
– El General Jose Victor Zavala y la captura de la bandera cubana
– Narciso Lopez Proclamations of 1850
– Col. M. C. Taylor’s Diary in Lopez Cardenas Expedition, 1850
– Filibuster Correspondence (1849-1851)
– Primer Acta del Consejo de Gobierno Superior (Nov. 14, 1849)
– Carta de la Junta Suprema a Narciso López (Nov. 22, 1849)
– Primer Acta de la Junta Suprema (Nov. 29, 1849)
– Doctrina del periódico La Verdad (Enero 20, 1850)
– Ideas fundamentales para una constitución provisional (Enero 9, 1850)
– Proyecto de arreglo entre Narciso López y el Consejo Cubano (Febrero 1850)
– Relato de José M. Navarro, empleado de la Aduana de Cárdenas
– Secret Code Used by the Filibusters
– Statement of the Kentucky Regiment
– Causas Instruidas en Cuba, Puerto Principe y Trinidad (1851)
– Resumen de los acontecimientos politicos ocurridos entre noviembre 1854 y junio 1855
– Filibusters and Freemasons: The Sworn Obligation Antonio Rafael de la Cova. Journal of the Early Republic, Vol. 17, No. 1. (Spring, 1997), pp. 95-120.
– Minutes, Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah (1850-51)
– Affairs in Cuba (Baltimore Sun, Sept. 21, 1850)
– Havana Correspondence (Boston Daily Evening Transcript, March 27, 1851)
– Affairs in Cuba (Daily Ohio Statesman, April 14, 1851)
– Departure of Garibaldi for California (Boston Daily Evening Transcript, April 30, 1851)
– Further News of the Cuba Expedition (Baltimore Sun, May 3, 1851)
– Movements of Distinguished Individuals (N.Y. Weekly Herald, May 3, 1851)
– Cuba (Milwaukee Daily Sentinel & Gazette, June 4, 1851)
– Garibaldi arrived in Panama (Baltimore Sun, Oct. 8, 1851)
– Georgia Militia, Chatham County, 1848-56
– Georgia Militia, Cherokee County, 1849
– Georgia Militia, Glynn County, 1848
– Georgia Militia, Muscogee County, 1846-49
– Kentucky filibusters in the Confederacy
Kentucky State Politics in the Early 1850’s (Wallace B. Turner)
– History of Shelby County, Kentucky (George L. Willis, Sr.)
– Memorial History of Louisville (J. Stoddard Johnston)
– Steamboats at Louisville and on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers (Arthur E. Hopkins)
– Banks Arcade (New Orleans)
– The Battle of Cárdenas: May 19, 1850
– Cárdenas, Cuba (panorama)
– Filibuster Monument (Louisville, Kentucky)
– Cardenas Jail 1848
– Cincinnati Nonpareil (1850-1851)
– El Pueblo (New York, Junio 29, 1855)
– Wreck of the steamer Pampero off the coast of Myrtle Beach, S.C.
– Centenario de la Bandera Cubana 1850-1950
– Confederate Colonel Ambrosio Jose Gonzales: A Soldier Under Two Flags
– Book Discussion on Slavery, Race, and Conquest in the Tropics by Prof. Robert May (C-SPAN Nov. 16, 2014)
– 21 released expeditionaries traveling from Cadiz to New York, Aug. 25, 1854
[1] Latin American Studies – The Cuban Filibuster Movement (1849 – 1856)
[2] Latin American Studies – Cuba